Important Factors Of AMR Emergence and How Antimicrobial Resistance Spread?


How Antimicrobial Resistance Spread and Emerge? How antimicrobial resistance spread? Antimicrobial resistance is a phenomenon that emerges and spreads through a complex process or antimicrobial resistance mechanisms which involves Basically emergence of antimicrobial resistance is a natural process and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms are already present in bacteria genetically. However, human activities for example overuse and … Read more

Important Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance Resulting in AMR Spread

horizontal gene transfer antibiotic resistance

Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance Types There are two basic mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria which contribute in spread & dissemination of antibiotic resistance including Intrinsic Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance Intrinsic (natural) resistance, mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, is defines as the innate ability of the bacterial specie or genus to resist particular class of drugs. … Read more

18 New Antibiotics Under Clinical trial of Drug Discovery Pipeline


Why New Antibiotic Drug Discovery is Important? Since discovery of first antibiotic by Alexander Fleming, antibiotics are continuously used to treat deadly bacterial infections and they are still in excessive use. But with the passage of time no multidrug resistant bacteria or “super bugs” infections and outbreaks are rapidly rising which is alarming because because … Read more

Lack of New Drug Developments: Antibiotics Under Clinical Development

drug development

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 published a report showing serious concerns about new drug developments and antibiotic discovery under clinical trials or antibiotic development pipeline. WHO New drug developments are the need of time due to rapidly spreading drug resistance bacteria but new antibiotics pipeline has fewer drugs which are not sufficient for … Read more

Superbug Alert: Six Deadliest Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Emerging Rapidly


Multidrug resistant bacteria or “super bugs” are emerging rapidly nowadays causing deadly infections becuase of ineffectiveness of available antimicrobials or treatment options. World Health Organization Multidrug Resistant or Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)–Producing Bacteria Firstly, ESBL producing gram negative species of bacteria especially Enterobacteriaceae are identified to possess acquired resistance against beta-lactam antibiotics by production of enzymes … Read more

All you need to know about how bacterial chromosome play important role in AMR spread


What is bacterial chromosome or genome? Bacterial chromosome and plasmid called bacterial genome is the whole set of genomic/genetic material found in the form of double helix DNA within the bacterial chromosome(s) of a bacteria including genes and non-coding regions. What does bacterial genomics mean? Every organisms on the Earth carries a genome which encodes … Read more

Antimicrobial Drugs or Antibiotics Discovery Timeline You Need to Know


Antibiotics Discovery Timeline is a long journey of antibiotic discovery. Antimicrobial drugs or antibiotics are important for treatment of deadly bacterial infections which caused catastrophic pandemics in history of human civilizations and left the scars on human history. After, facing deadly pandemics throughout history scientists discovered that the cause of deadly pandemics were microorganisms they … Read more

Monkeypox Origins and History Unraveled Step-by-Step and Everything You Need to Know About its Strong Ties with Gays

Monkeypox origins and detailed history Monkeypox virus has two types: Clade I and Clade II.Clad I has 10 percent fatality rate but the current outbreak is due to Clade II (Clade IIb). Clade IIb infections are rarely fatal and 99 percent infected people recover from the infection. However, people with weak immunity, pregnant women and … Read more

5 Antimicrobial Classes and Antimicrobial Drugs Becoming Ineffective You Need to Know About and Their Complete Mechanism

antibiotic mechanism

After Antimicrobial drugs or antibiotic (Penicillin was the first drug discovered in 1928) by Alexander Fleming discovery of antibiotics (Penicillin was the first drug discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming), scientists believed that the war against infectious bacteria is over because it attributed to 70 percent decline in deaths due to infectious bacterial infections. With … Read more

7 Things You Need to Know About Latest Monkeypox Outbreak Occurring Globally Among Male Homosexuals or Gays

“On July 2022, The World Health Organization declared monkeypox or mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern spreading globally is a “public health emergency of international concern”. Etiology or causative agent Monkeypox or mpox a viral disease caused by “the monkeypox virus” an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus member the genus Orthopoxvirus in the … Read more