Monkeypox Diagnosis And Treatment: All You Need To Know About PCR Protocol

monkeypox diagnosis and treatment

Monkeypox diagnosis and treatment is critical in early detection of disease which is of prime importance while healthcare systems are trying to contain the disease and avoid further spread in the community due to wrong and false diagnosis. Monkeypox diagnosis and treatment in clinical settings is based on nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) using real-time … Read more

Monkeypox Symptoms, Comparative Analysis Seen with Covid-19 and Powerful Impact Found on AMR

horizontal gene transfer antibiotic resistance

Monkey pox virus is member of the genus Ortho poxvirus in the family Poxviridae, also known as mpox. Clade I and II are the virus’s two genetic subgroups. The World Health Organization proclaimed the monkey pox outbreak, also known as the mpox outbreak, a “public health emergency of international concern” on July 20, 2022. What … Read more

Discovery of Bacteria: 7 Great Scientists You Need to Know Who’s Amazing Work Contributed in Modern Bacteriology

modern bacteriology

Before discovery of bacteria, cause of outbreaks was not known which lead to death of millions. Afterwards work of many scientists contributed to find out the cause of various diseases and established their relation with the disease. They identified that bacteria is a unicellular, microscopic organisms which can be found in all environments including animal … Read more

6 Deadly Bacterial Pandemic (Bubonic Plague) in Human History You Need to Know


What does Bubonic plague mean? Bubonic plague was the most common type of pandemic during the bacterial plague pandemics. The name originated due to typical black sores appeared on whole body due to internal haemorrhages known as “buboes” Symptoms of bubonic plague were severe swelling in the groin and armpits (the lymph nodes), raging fever and … Read more

Antimicrobial Drugs or Antibiotics Discovery Timeline You Need to Know


Antibiotics Discovery Timeline is a long journey of antibiotic discovery. Antimicrobial drugs or antibiotics are important for treatment of deadly bacterial infections which caused catastrophic pandemics in history of human civilizations and left the scars on human history. After, facing deadly pandemics throughout history scientists discovered that the cause of deadly pandemics were microorganisms they … Read more