How to Prevent Monkeypox Transmission in Domestic settings: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to prevent monkeypox transmission in outbreak scenario when the healthcare system is overburdened and the patient needs to get isolated in home? If a person tests positive for monkeypox, he must isolate himself to avoid spread of virus to nearby people. In order to get isolated patient must strictly follow few guidelines or measures … Read more

How to Prevent Monkeypox Transmission in Healthcare settings: A Step-by-Step Guide

In order to prevent monkeypox transmission in hospital standard precautions must be in place however, If a patient is seeking treatment in any healthcare setting and suspects for monkeypox symptoms then along with standard precautions additional measures should be taken about how to prevent monkeypox transmission in hospital settings How to prevent monkeypox transmission if … Read more

Complete Guidelines: Collection of Monkeypox Specimen From Suspected Patient

During monkeypox outbreak Monkeypox Specimen collection is very important to avoid further spread of disease through laboratory personnel in the community by using standard protocols for monkeypox specimen collection and monkeypox specimen transportation. This article provides complete guide for monkeypox specimen collection from suspected monkeypox patient skin lesions according to standard laboratory procedures What Type … Read more

Monkeypox Diagnosis And Treatment: All You Need To Know About PCR Protocol

monkeypox diagnosis and treatment

Monkeypox diagnosis and treatment is critical in early detection of disease which is of prime importance while healthcare systems are trying to contain the disease and avoid further spread in the community due to wrong and false diagnosis. Monkeypox diagnosis and treatment in clinical settings is based on nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) using real-time … Read more

Monkeypox Symptoms, Comparative Analysis Seen with Covid-19 and Powerful Impact Found on AMR

horizontal gene transfer antibiotic resistance

Monkey pox virus is member of the genus Ortho poxvirus in the family Poxviridae, also known as mpox. Clade I and II are the virus’s two genetic subgroups. The World Health Organization proclaimed the monkey pox outbreak, also known as the mpox outbreak, a “public health emergency of international concern” on July 20, 2022. What … Read more

Discovery of Bacteria: 7 Great Scientists You Need to Know Who’s Amazing Work Contributed in Modern Bacteriology

modern bacteriology

Before discovery of bacteria, cause of outbreaks was not known which lead to death of millions. Afterwards work of many scientists contributed to find out the cause of various diseases and established their relation with the disease. They identified that bacteria is a unicellular, microscopic organisms which can be found in all environments including animal … Read more

6 Deadly Bacterial Pandemic (Bubonic Plague) in Human History You Need to Know


What does Bubonic plague mean? Bubonic plague was the most common type of pandemic during the bacterial plague pandemics. The name originated due to typical black sores appeared on whole body due to internal haemorrhages known as “buboes” Symptoms of bubonic plague were severe swelling in the groin and armpits (the lymph nodes), raging fever and … Read more

What is Antibiotic Selection Pressure? and How Antibiotic Exposure Develop AMR


 “Antibiotic selection pressure exerts “Snowball rolling downhill effect” in a bacterial population contributing to increasingly emerging antibiotic resistance”. What is Antibiotic Selection Pressure? Bacterial cells have inherent ability to develop resistance mechanism gradually against any chemical or drug which is continuously exposed to bacteria and this phenomenon is called selection pressure. Bacterial cells in the … Read more

Conjugative Plasmids and Critical Role of R Plasmid in Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance


Plasmids can be broadly classified into conjugative plasmids and non-conjugative plasmids on the basis of function. Conjugative and non-conjugative plasmids are further divided into different types of plasmid as discussed below Non-conjugative types of plasmid Non conjugative plasmids are the plasmids which carry set of genes which do not contribute in sexual conjugation among bacterial cells … Read more

Types of Plasmid, Classification and Their Role in Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Dissemination


There are different types of plasmid and they are classified into different categories on the basis of size, function, genetic content, host range and replication mode. What are Plasmids? Plasmids are genetic elements found inside bacterial cell. These are small, circular piece of DNA, an extrachromosomal genetic element, which replicate by their selves independent of … Read more